10 Most Over Powered Power-Ups In Super Mario History

4. Mega Mushroom

When a whole new 2D Mario platforming adventure was first announced for Nintendo's new DS system, the new power up shown more than any other was the Mega Mushroom.

This huge Mushroom was displayed in trailers, on posters and even made it onto the official box cover artwork. Though the invention of such a power up seems like more of a marketing gimmick than anything designed to be innovative, when it goes off, the Mega Mushroom is a powerful item to have.

Available from certain boxes in just four levels or its own Toad Houses across the World Map, Mega Mushrooms are considerably bigger mushrooms that will instantly enlarge the player and make them unstoppable as they stomp through the level's enemies and objects.

With the power to destroy Warp Pipes, Blocks and even the Final Flagpole, the Mega Mushroom brings with it a Mega Meter that players will gradually fill with the more things they destroy.

Once the effects of the Mega Mushroom wear off, a certain amount of 1UPs will be rewarded to players on how they did in building up their Mega Meter. Given how powerful extra lives can be, an extra five and basically an auto-clear on a level does make for pretty powerful stuff.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.