10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2021

7. The Forgotten City

Lost Judgment
Dear Villagers

The Forgotten City didn't receive a massive player base when it released this year, but everyone who did pick it up will tell you the same thing: this was the best surprise of 2021.

A first-person adventure game set in an isolated, cavernous city in Ancient Rome, the game casts you as a time traveler from the future brought back by the city's leader. He's caught you in a time loop in order to help him stop one of the residents breaking the "Golden Rule" - essentially committing any sin. If they break this rule, the whole city will be destroyed by golden statues that spring to life.

This already bonkers premise is only the tip of the iceberg though, and as you hunt down leads and talk to the people in the city, it becomes clear that there's more to the game than this simple premise. Like an ogre, The Forgotten City has layers, and each is more intriguing and more twisted than the last.

You'll want to see how deep this rabbit hole goes, and spoiling it here would be a crime.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3