10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2021

8. Sable

Lost Judgment

Sable is proof, if anyone ever needed it, that video games don't need combat to be fun and affecting.

An open world exploration game about a young woman called Sable who departs on her Gliding - a coming-of-age pilgrimage where she leaves her childhood home to venture solo into the rest of the world to find her calling - this Xbox exclusive is the most visually striking game you'll play all year.

Packed with bright, vibrant colours, the world of Sable is gorgeous to look at and a whole load of fun to explore. In the same style as Breath of the Wild, you're encouraged to forge your own way here, following your curiosities and seeing what you stumble on in the process.

The writing as well is incredibly charming, breathing life into characters that are packed with humour and humanity. Sable is funny, emotional and inspiring often all at the same time, and a perfect coming-of-age tale.

Oh, and the Japanese Breakfast soundtrack absolutely slaps and ties the whole experience together.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3