10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2023

9. Cocoon

The Invincible
Geometric Interactive

Viewfinder is far from the only mind-blowingly clever puzzle game released this past year which needs more love - there's also the mesmerisingly inventive Cocoon.

The brainchild of director Jeppe Carlsen - the lead gameplay designer of indie masterworks Limbo and Inside - Cocoon pits players as a beetle-like insect as they traverse a barren wasteland and harness unique abilities using a series of orbs.

Cocoon's primary mechanic involves swapping between the game's numerous coloured orbs in order to visit its various hub-like worlds and keep progressing onwards.

As the use case of each orb becomes more complex, players will find themselves nesting orbs within orbs in order to solve increasingly tricky puzzles, making for a supremely challenging but also tremendously rewarding experience.

In addition to this, the atmosphere - wrought through beautiful visuals and a breathtaking musical score - is richer than in almost any other game released this year.

If you're in the market for a puzzler that's smart but not infuriatingly difficult, Cocoon is just the ticket.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.