10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2023

6. Venba

The Invincible
Visai Games

No single game on this list is nearly as chilled-out as Venba, a delightful narrative-driven cooking sim of-sorts, surely doing for South Indian cuisine what the Coffee Talk games did for caffeine.

The game follow an Indian couple who move to Toronto, Canada to start a new life, chronicling their difficulties in adjusting to their new environment and the challenges it poses for themselves and their relationship.

But at its heart, Venba is centered entirely around food, as players are tasked with cooking a variety of mouth-watering dishes all while being deeply immersed in Tamil culture throughout.

Bolstered by an eye-popping art style, heart-soaring musical score, and genuinely life-affirming joie de vivre, this is the rarest of games that'll actually make you want to get up, put the games away, and cook something for real.

At just 90 minutes in length it's an incredibly slight, snappy experience, but one that leaves a staggeringly deep impression.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.