10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2023

3. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

The Invincible
Team Reptile

It's incredibly easy to take one look at Bomb Rush Cyberfunk and dismiss its aesthetic and skate-based gameplay as shamelessly imitating Dreamcast cult classic Jet Set Radio.

Yet given the quality of the end product - and the fact that nothing substantial has been done with the Jet Set Radio IP in over 20 years at this point - it's also easy to view this quite charitably as a glorious spiritual successor.

Much like its inspiration, you and your gang skate around a futuristic metropolis - this time New Amsterdam rather than Tokyo-to - spraying graffiti, controlling turf, taking on rival groups, and skirting clear of the cops.

As won't surprise anyone who's played Jet Set Radio, the cel-shaded art style is sublime to behold, while rocking a swish indie soundtrack, including contributions from Jet Set Radio's own original composer, Hideki Naganuma.

Where the line between homage and ripoff lies will ultimately be for players to decide for themselves, but Bomb Rush Cyberpunk brings a beloved classic into the modern era with flawless style and energetic panache.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.