10 Most Overlooked Video Games Of 2023

4. Alan Wake II

The Invincible

It seems absurd to call a game as hugely hyped and rapturously received as Alan Wake II "overlooked," but considering its launch window sales weren't exactly stellar and it's already been heavily discounted less than a month after release, it's clear that not nearly enough people have played it yet.

Granted, the long-awaited survival horror sequel came out in an extremely crowded corridor for AAA games, but even so, this is one of the most fiendishly creative and boldly executed AAA titles of the last few years, no question.

If there were somehow any lingering doubts about Remedy's ability to deliver some of the most meticulously crafted epic entertainment in the gaming sphere, Alan Wake II's entrancing story, near-peerless aesthetics, and ambitious attempts to move the medium forward prove it in spades.

There are moments in this thing like nothing you've ever seen in a game before, but saying anything more than that would be criminal.

For anyone in the market for a deep-dish mystery-thriller girded by astonishing production values and relentless imagination, look no further.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.