10 Most Overrated Video Games Of 2016

Game of the Year? No chance.

Overwatch tracer

2016 was one hell of a year for video games on the whole: a ton of titles hugely surpassed expectations (Doom, Titanfall 2 and Watch Dogs 2 to name just a few), and VR gaming promised to change the way we play forever.

That said, there are a number of games that just didn't live up to the praise lavished on them by both the gaming press and the cult of fandom alike. While the majority of these games were still at least good, they largely didn't deliver enough to justify those 10/10 reviews and Game of the Year considerations, though in one case the title in question is legitimately quite terrible.

Of course, opinions are like you-know-whats, but even so, these are the titles from the last 12 months that had many players up in arms about their apparent "high quality".

Here are the 10 most overrated video games of 2016...

10. Gears Of War 4

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You certainly couldn't call Gears of War 4 a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but the 84 Metascore feels hugely overblown when you consider that this is an incredibly familiar, garden variety GoW game that brings almost nothing new or memorable to the table.

The campaign is a fun but forgettable blast-a-thon best played with friends for maximum entertainment factor, and the game's replay value is ultimately propped up by an enjoyable but, again, rather samey multiplayer suite.

Also, the new characters, namely Marcus Fenix's block-of-wood son JD, just aren't cutting it.

There are worse things to be than consistently average, but given that this was the first GoW game to release on the Xbox One, expectations were naturally set rather high. The end result is merely satisfactory.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.