10 Most Painful Video Game Cliffhangers EVER
9. Resistance 2

In the first two games of the Resistance series the main protagonist is Nathan Hale, a resolute and hotheaded member of the Sentinels dedicated to purging the world of the Chimera virus.
As the Sentinels battle the Chimera on the front line and therefore put themselves at great risk of infection, each soldier has to be regularly treated with inhibitors to allow them to hold onto their humanity. In Resistance 2, however, the stakes are raised in such a way that Hale deliberately foregoes his treatments to push forward and complete his mission faster.
This goes as well as you'd expect, and little by little, Hale unwittingly begins to lose himself to the Chimera virus. By the end of the game, the man has gone completely, becoming a pure Chimera with clairvoyant and telekinetic powers.
His brother-in-arms, Joseph Capelli, has no choice but to shoot Hale in the head, killing him instantly. And that's where the game ends.
If you've stuck with the Resistance series since the beginning, this is more than a little shocking. So, that's it, Hale's dead?
As Resistance 3 confirms: yes, he is. But until then, players had no way of knowing where the series would go after this...or if it would even continue at all.