10 Most Painful Video Game Cliffhangers EVER

8. Shadow Of The Colossus

Dead Space 3 Awakened Ending
Team Ico

Though a simple concept on paper, Shadow of the Colossus has a level of depth that only the most devoted of players can hope to scratch the surface of. Many of the game's secrets were tucked away for decades, with whole online communities forming to collectively try and unravel the PS2 classic's final hidden mysteries.

But even after all the hard work they put in, there are some things about Shadow of the Colossus that we may never get a proper explanation for.

At the end of the game, when the demonic being, Dormin, is banished, Wander is pulled in with him, after which Mono awakens on the altar of the temple.

The credits then roll, and one of the scenes we see shows Mono finding a baby in the exact spot where Wander was last seen.

It's not an ordinary baby, however. The horns on its head are strikingly similar to those of Ico, the eponymous protagonist of Team Ico's previous game.

Many fans take this as a hint that Shadow of the Colossus is a prequel to Ico, or at least set in the same universe. The game's director, Fumito Ueda, has said that he personally interprets it this way, but wants it to be left open to opposing views.

So, will we ever know for sure?


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.