10 Most Passionate Video Game Couples

2. Nate & Elena - Uncharted

Witcher 3
Naughty Dog

Conclusively one of, if not the most iconic couple in all of video-game history, Nathan and Elana have been receiving the adoration of fans for almost a decade. Their relationship has been slowly developed over the course of the entire franchise and as such, they have experienced the highs and lows of being together.

The turbulent nature of their relationship is best exemplified by their quick marriage, and subsequent divorce between the events of the second and third games.

When you think about it, this sequence of events is hardly surprising. After all, one can only imagine how difficult it must be being with Nathan Drake. With his yearning for adventure, and tendency to get shot at a lot, he hardly seems like the most stable of characters.

Thankfully for Drake and Elana, this love story was to have a happy ending. By the beginning of Uncharted 4, we find out the couple are once again back together.

A scene plays which shows the pair playfully teasing each other, whilst playing crash bandicoot on a retro PS1, in a moment which must be the the envy of game lovers everywhere.


Darren Morgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.