10 Most Paused Video Game Moments Ever

7. Ashley's Ghost - Until Dawn

Until Dawn Jumpscare
Supermassive Games

Even though Until Dawn draws much of its horror from the creepy atmosphere, its tense decisions and, of course, the eventual crescendo of action, there's still plenty of jumpscares littered throughout the experience. One in particular seems to scare the s**t out of everyone who's played the game, coming during a particularly terrifying section where the player is haunted by flashes of Ashely's ghost.

Going through one particular definitely-not-at-all creepy door, the spectre flashes onto screen like you've just finished one of those early-2000s screamer videos. It's undeniably effectively, but it happens so quick that you don't actually get a good look at who or what just scared your pants off.

Consequently a tactical pause was required to see just what ghoulish apparition was responsible, in the same way so many people paused The Exorcist to see the ghostly face that would pop up unannounced in that movie. It did take some of the fear away when you knew exactly what you were looking at, but perhaps that was a good thing.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3