10 Most Polarizing Characters In Video Games

8. Raiden - Metal Gear Solid 2

GTA 5 Trevor

The release of Metal Gear Solid 2 was probably one of the greatest betrayals in video game history.

Hideo Kojima teased the return of Solid Snake in the sequel, giving fans hope that they would get to play as the beloved superspy again, but when the game finally came out, what people got was a brand-new protagonist, Raiden. Naturally, this decision didn't go over well.

What hurt Raiden's popularity even more was that his character came off as incredibly whiny and naïve. Compared to Snake, he was like a confused little boy who had no right to be the protagonist of the sequel to one of the greatest games ever.

It wasn't until Raiden's character was developed and made more competent in later games that people began to flip their opinions on him. He then gained even more credibility after being transformed into a badass ninja cyborg in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Still, the hate surrounding Raiden during the release of Metal Gear Solid 2 lingers on the internet to this day, and is unlikely to ever truly disappear.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.