10 Most Powerful Characters In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

3. The Great Fairy

Ganon Legend of Zelda

While definitely coming close in terms of power to the previous entry, The Great Fairy has several attributes which make her stronger than the goddesses. Some games have only one great Fairy whereas others have several ‘Great Faries’ who dwell in fairy fountains. They are also referred to as guardian spirits in Breath of the Wild.

While the goddesses control the domains of power, wisdom and courage, the Great Fairy possesses those as well as magic and kindness – at least in Majora’s Mask. This character/these characters often help Link along his journeys, providing him with new powers and abilities which allow him to take down evil forces. This gives them a much more interactive role in the Zelda franchise and we’re able to see their abilities. The Great Fairy is shown to be able to harness the power of the triforce into a deadly weapon.

Around since the first Zelda game and shown to be fully omnipotent, The Great Fairy wins our number 3 slot.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!