10 Most Powerful Characters In The Legend Of Zelda Franchise

2. Fierce Deity

Ganon Legend of Zelda

Throughout the franchise, Link has always been the character of pure good. Part of his charm is that, despite his reincarnations, he is inherently mortal. His struggles are real, he is flawed, and his power only reaches a certain level. However, in the end of Majora’s Mask, he becomes an entire entity entirely.

With the power of every mask in Termina combined, a character is able to ascend to the level of godhood and become Fierce Deity., This isn’t only specific to Link as Fierce Deity essentially becomes a character in its own right, with its own weapons, appearance, and motivations. The Double Helix Sword puts the Master Sword to shame, and a character strong enough to one-shot something as powerful as Majora is truly terrifying.

Not to mention, having the power of all masks in Termina includes the powers granted buy the Great Fairy mask. This, though only a fraction of her power, means that there are elements of our number 3 entry as well as the ability to outright destroy that at number 8.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!