10 Most Powerful Dark Souls Weapons

9. Black Knight Sword

Black Knight weapons, if you can get hold of them, are amazing when wielded correctly. The Black Knight Sword is a solid choice for strength-based characters who want to up their damage output without swapping fully into super-heavy weapon territory, as its a firm middle ground between other arming swords and ultra greatswords.

Attacks with the Black Knight Sword are relatively fast and fluid (certainly for the greatsword class at the very least), and two-handing the weapon only makes its attacks even swifter. High base damage with relatively low stat investment requirements means you'll be wrecking shop even at lower soul levels.

Do bear in mind that you cannot buff it for any additional damage during a run, but the fully upgraded weapon deals out a more than serviceable amount of damage on its own that you won't miss the bonus from a spell anyway.

Track down some Titanite Lizards early on and you can have a fully upgraded Black Knight Sword in no time. From then on, you'll be dominating any enemy you across with one or two swift strikes of your massive sword.

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