10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

2. Geras - Mortal Kombat 11

mortal kombat 11 geras

A character so invincible and unrelenting, the only way to win was to throw him into an eternal pit, so he falls forever.

Such is the fate given to Geras, Kronika's right-hand man in Mortal Kombat 11, but to be honest, the preceding hours of the campaign outline that Geras could pretty much take on anything and come out swinging.

A master of time, we're even shown that decapitations or being flattened into a wall from a truck won't stop him. Instead, he'll just reset time - a power that only applies to him - reattach any severed limbs and keep coming.

Geras' fatalities see him strip the flesh from the front of his assailant with one quick rip, and again, he's a master of time.

If not for NetherRealm's Sea of Blood, Geras would've likely have gone on to take Kronika's crown and widen his power set to the entire galaxy.

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