10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

1. DOOM Slayer - DOOM

DOOM Slayer
iD Software

The one guy yet to be weakened, taken down a peg or even remotely PHASED by the fact he's going up against the legions of Hell and the aliens of the cosmos, DOOMguy only received more power in DOOM: Eternal.

Now, these could be classed as spoilers for DOOM Eternal, but dive into the game's codex to supplant the handful of cutscenes thrown your way, and you'll read about one mysterious figure known as Samur, who implanted the Slayer with a godlike power, unlike anything else.

Already we've taken the marine from Earth to Hell and back again, but Eternal goes out of its way to establish that before this imbuing of celestial might, DOOMguy was champion of the Argent D'Nur coliseum, someone who was never brought down even once, and whose will to fight surpassed even that to eat or have a conversation. His three words? "Rip... and... tear."

iD Software wrote 2020's instalment as a way to make the meme-ified, OTT version of the DOOM Slayer we know and love, literally the one in the game's expanded lore.

He rips the heads off demonic preachers, wields a giant broadsword lightsaber to slice arachnotrons in half. DOOM Slayer won't stop, only exists to kill "until it is done", and from heavenly deities to skyscraper-sized Icons of Sin, he'll bury all of them and keep going.


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