10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

10. Alex Mercer - Prototype

Prototype Alex Mercer

Centre of the debate on whether Prototype was better than Infamous back in 2009 (it totally was), Alex Mercer's power set was sketched out to grant the player unlimited power.

Want to imitate an NPC and wear their skin while you infiltrate a compound? Just gobble them up, Venom-style and have at it. How about transforming arms and limbs, meaning you always had access to oversized fists, gigantic arm axes, whips and claws? Anything bladed would slice enemies into sashimi, and Alex couldn't get enough.

Devastator attacks let you level city blocks in a blur of tendrils uprooting pedestrians, cars and signage alike. Mercer's movement was built off the Hulk: Ultimate Destruction engine, meaning he could sprint directly up buildings, bound over mid-air vehicles like stepping stones, or take to the skies by gliding, before landing like a smart bomb.

Wearing tank missile packs on his shoulders, tackling military helicopters out the sky, eating bullets like there was no tomorrow - Prototype was a window into what gaming is like without any real challenge, and the 'escapist power fantasy' dials cranked so much they broke off.


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