10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

8. Dante - Devil May Cry

Devil may cry 4

An unkillable devil child descended from the demon king Sparda, there's a reason the game's difficulties are called "Dante Must Die"... because for the most part, he can't.

Even back in the original he was getting impaled on his sword Alastor, only to rise up off the ground, and pluck it back out his chest himself.

This was the genius behind conceptualising Dante overall. Capcom have never really put a cap on his abilities, instead pushing him to various limits, only for that to unlock some other "state" of pure innate power.

The latest example was some doubled-up demon form in Devil May Cry 5, where Dante Super Saiyan'd himself into an entirely new form, complete with boney wings and an armoured exoskeleton, to take on brother Virgil.

He's laughed in the face of giant lava spiders, taken evil bat queens and turned them into guitars. His twin blades in Devil May Cry 3 are time-worn guardians of the underworld he forced to stay quiet, so he could wield them in peace.

Like a certain hip-swaying witch I'll get to in a second, Dante is constantly operating in a state of cool. Almost two decades after he hit our screens, we've never truly seen him struggle or be down for the count, and that's the point.

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