10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

7. Dovahkiin - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

skyrim dragonborn

For this I'm talking about Dovahkiin - or the "Dragonborn" - in their final form. The Fus Ro Dah shouting, dragon-summoning, super speed dashing phenom that becomes the saviour of Skyrim itself.

This is a robust hero that literally downed dragons before the sun had hit midday, and that was before they got called up for training.

After undergoing some wise words form the Greybeards, learning how to fire the elements from their fingertips and smith armour stronger than anything else in the land, Dovahkiin is damn near unstoppable.

Disarming enemy weapons, summoning mini tornadoes - they can even become completely ethereal, avoiding damage altogether while they think of a creative way to murder you in return.

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