10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

4. Kratos - God Of War

god of war kratos

Likely many peoples' number one pick, Kratos is certainly the most popular powerful character.

Receiving godlike power after being hired by Ares to be his lead Spartan - then going on a bit of a bender, slaughtering his own family and all of the gods in revenge - Kratos is now a much older, wiser man, but with an iron will that will never be broken.

At this stage, after having his powers given and taken away - but the character still able to perform whichever overblown feats of strength the developers need - it's clear that Kratos is gaming's Incredible Hulk.

When in doubt, he'll bellow to the skies in rage, and that will summon enough willpower to see him through.

Having torn harpies clean in half back in 2005, Kratos switched realms to Nordic and set about snapping Baldur's neck too. All eight Valkyrie warriors and their Queen were downed by this more time-worn Kratos, and his 2018 outing ended with none other than thunder God Thor dropping by to be next on the menu.

Speaking of getting angry being a way to power up though...

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God of War
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