10 Most Powerful Video Game Characters Ever

5. Bayonetta - Bayonetta

Bayonetta 2
Platinum Games

An Umbral Witch with the speciality of displacing time for lightning-fast dodges, Bayonetta was created with the sole purpose of making a character with equal sex appeal as devastating power.

Routinely strutting like she's on a catwalk, Bayonetta's power set extends to four machine pistols at a time - two of them being on her heels - as most of her power resides in her hair.

Able to constrict, lash out like a whip or transform into a giant train-sized snake to devour enemies, all of this is just the beginning.

In both games, Bayonetta can trigger various "Punish" and "Torture" attacks - specials where she summons BDSM equipment, spiked crushing pillars or whatever else Platinum Games could think of, to obliterate opponents.

The general tone of Bayonetta's approach to combat - and this mortal realm in general - is a cat playing with its food.

She's an absolute blast to control, and the only thing more common than exploding enemies into a fine paste, is a hearty cackle afterwards.

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