10 Most Replayable Opening Sequences In Video Game History

2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Most people that had a PS2 in its early days will fondly recall sneaking around a tanker as Solid Snake, taking soldiers hostage and channeling their inner-sadist by seeing how many bullets they can take before they die in a bloody heap on the floor. MGS2's Tanker mission has one basic advantage over the rest of the game: it stars Solid Snake. That's not to say the game's main protagonist Raiden is bad (even if he is a bit of a whiny man-child), but he pales in comparison to the only guy that can manage to remain cool while having a codename that sounds like a euphemism for an erection. Thanks to Snake being front-and-centre, MGS2 feels most like a sequel to its predecessor in its opening. It's here where the game's many new gameplay mechanics (hanging, first-person aiming, peeking around corners, storing bodies in lockers etc.) are experienced first. The tanker was a perfect playground for stealthy shenanigans, whether that meant hiding in a locker full of posters of strangely attractive asian women, or shooting fire extinguishers in guards faces just to see what would happen.

When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.