10 Most Replayable Opening Sequences In Video Game History

8. Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta is many things - fun, extremely challenging, rewarding, excellently paced - but subtle is not one of them. The game's opening starts off simple enough with Bayonetta indulging in some Christmas shopping and before you know it she's casually fighting dozens of monsters on a fighter plane that appears to be playing 'chicken' with skyscrapers. From there it only gets better, with Bayonetta taking a train ride on a collapsing bridge while kicking, punching and shooting a huge monster that's chasing her in the face. The level climaxes with a thrilling set-piece that sees everyone's favourite scantily clad witch (not that there's many to choose from) fighting what appears to be Godzilla's uglier brother on the side of the building. And that's just the game's first opening 20 minutes! The rest of Bayonetta 2 somehow manages to maintain the amazing level of creativity on display here, proving once and for all that Platinum really are one of the best developers around today.

When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.