10 Most Replayable Video Games Of 2018

2. Beat Saber

Tetris effect
Beat Games

If you've invested in PSVR, or any of its similar counterparts, this is the game for you. Breaking early access records on Steam, and the fastest selling game on PSVR, it's a worthy feat for the rhythm-based saber game. A simple mechanic of rhythmic block chopping to beats, it's highly addictive.

Given the dominance and decline of the musical peripheral gaming days of Guitar Hero and all those in its wake, Beat Saber (if you want to all non-English grammatical about it) revitalises the genre in a massive way. It's the perfect example of "one more go, must beat the record" gameplay that we need.

Such a simple premise, but difficult to master, it's worth every penny. It's a game you want to show the power of VR off to. It's the new party game for the ages, it's got that replay factor that your friends will be wanting to try. It's the game to bust out at Christmas and get the family involved in.

We hold no responsibility if your nan gives it a go after a few sherries and falls out though, so don't pin that on us.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.