10 Most Ridiculous Pokémon Ever

2. Klefki

Pokemon Ridiculous
The Pokémon Company

Pokédex - 707 (Generation VI)

Keys are a fairly essential part of everyday life. At no point, however, has anybody ever thought about giving them eyes to turn them into a cute cartoon character. Anybody until Game Freak when Pokemon X and Y came out, that is, as they unleashed Klefki upon the world.

Klefki ostensibly starts off as one key-shaped creature that collects additional keys and adds them to its chain. It has some useful and unique support abilities in group battles, but who in their right mind wants to battle a keyring against much more ferocious and believable beasts to begin with?

The creature could arguably be taken much more seriously as a defensive powerhouse if it was part of an evolutionary family, given that its unique steel/fairy typing gives it two immunities and nine resistances against just two weaknesses. What exactly could a keyring evolve into however, short of a bigger ring with even more keys?


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.