10 Most Ridiculous Video Game Weapons

3. Keyboards - Typing Of The Dead

Typing of the Dead

The pen might be mightier than the sword, but thanks to Typing of The Dead we now have a new contender to the throne: Keyboards.

Wielded by leads James and Gary, they're absolutely deadly, and with just a few taps from these neck holstered instruments of doom, the pair can clear screens with their wondrous wordplay.

Now to be clear, this game is utterly fantastic as not only do you get to play through the now legendary House of The Dead 2 game, complete with it's ridiculous bosses and god awful voice acting, but you also get to perfect your typing skills in a way that's both fun and stupidly over the top.

I've never been as tense as when I'm about to get chopped in half and fail to spell "dismembered", and if you want to dial up the hilarity you can play Typing of the Dead: Overkill, which allows you to use cuss words thanks to a DLC pack. There's even a Shakespeare pack if you're feeling like you want to use The Bard's powerful prose to behead the undead.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.