10 Most Sacrilegious Video Game Movie Moments

4. Super Mario Bros. - The Gritty Look

Max Payne Mark Wahlberg
Buena Vista

Ever wondered why we've never seen Samus or Link on the silver screen? Well, look no further. This movie bombed so hard, everyone attached to it has publicly denounced it. Bob Hoskins called it "the worst film he's ever done", and it's not hard to see why.

Its biggest crime? Having absolutely bugger all to do with the games it's based on. Gone is the colourful Mushroom Kingdom, the bright colours - just everything that made Mario fun.

Instead, we've got some semi-serious, gritty downtown set pieces and a bonkers plot about merging worlds and dinosaur descendants.

It was awful, it lacked any kind of fun and to say "creative license was taken with the brand" would be putting it lightly. The only game-like component in the film was a Bob-omb, with even the Super Scope being used as some bastardised weapon/evolution-gun.

The logic behind the screenplay was to go for a "Ghostbusters-style vibe", instead of the source material. As a result, the film tanked, leaving Nintendo to not risk any of their IPs as live-action movies since.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.