10 Most Satisfying Final Boss Kills In Gaming History
1. Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII
Yes, Super Metroid gave us the Hyper Beam at the last second to defeat Mother Brain, but there's something about training for hours on end to even stand a chance against Final Fantasy VII's Sephiroth, that means the final fight has you gripping the controller with white knuckles.
Not one, not two, but three forms come your way - not to mention having to defeat the mutated "Jenova-Synthesis" alien beforehand too.
Needless to say this game is long. You'll likely have been hanging with his incredible cast of characters for 40 hours at least - not to mention the amount of time you Dragon Ball Z'd yourself into a training regimen, grinding high-level areas over and over to prepare.
By the time you've defeated Jenova and both Sephiroths, Cloud and friends make for the exit, only for Cloud to realise that Sephiroth's energy is "still... here".
His spirit is torn back into the crater to face off against Sephiroth one last time. However, because of everything you've been through, Cloud now has Omnislash, his highest-level limit break special.
Watching the limit meter fill automatically, it's the perfect marriage of Cloud finally being able to stand up to Sephiroth, and unleashing Omnislash lets you watch him deal so much damage in one epic combo, it literally makes Sephiroth explode.
What happens next in the story is even better, but when it comes to putting a villain down for the count, Cloud does it best.