10 Most Satisfying Video Game Enemies To Kill

6. The Infected - Dying Light

Dead Space

Zombies are certainly one of the most common video game enemies to kill, but Dying Light takes undead destruction to a whole over level of gory granularity with its fantastically dynamic combat.

The game's hilariously gory bodily destruction mechanics allow you to absolutely wreck the squishy undead, whether chopping several zombies' heads off with a single swish of a samurai sword, exploding them into a shower of crimson meaty chunks, or blowing their head clean off with a well-placed shotgun blast.

Thanks to the fantastic ragdoll physics, the ability to target any body part you want, and Dying Light's general ridiculous gooeyness, this never gets old and basically shames every other zombie game out there.

Hopefully the upcoming sequel, Dying Light 2 Stay Human, has found a way to somehow up the gnarly ante.

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Dead Space
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.