10 Most Satisfying Video Game Enemies To Kill

7. Thunderjaws - Horizon Zero Dawn

Dead Space
Guerrilla Games

Thanks to its peerlessly slick combat, taking down any Machine in Horizon Zero Dawn is an absolute joy, but there's perhaps no single class of Machine more satisfying to fell than the mighty Thunderjaws.

The Thunderjaw is basically a robot T-rex, and so the combination of their size, power, and ability to sustain massive damage ensures they can make short work of unsuspecting, unprepared players.

Given the power of its ranged attacks and ability to track you on the battlefield, you need to think quickly, move fast, and above all else have a plan before battling one.

Successfully taking a Thunderjaw down requires mastery of both the game's traversal mechanics and ranged weaponry, with Tearblast arrows typically being used to disable its offensive capabilities.

You'll probably die a lot before destroying one for the first time, but when you finally do it, it's nothing short of euphoric. Seeing that hunk of metal collapse in defeat feels fantastic every single time.

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Dead Space
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.