10 Most Sickening Things You Did In The Sims

6. Drowned A Sim (Then Made Their Friends Wear Swimming Costumes To The Funeral)

the sims

If you ever played The Sims, chances are you most definitely, at one point, had enough of one of your characters and decided to get rid of them. But how? Lock them in a room? Too messy. Burn them alive? Waste of a house. "Woohoo" them to death? Although possible it's very time consuming. No, the only logical way is to place your Sim into a pool, build a wall around it and remove the ladder.

Depending on what Sims game you played you were either left with a nice little urn (which you could sell for 3 dollar by the way) or they would haunt your house like Caspar The Water-Logged Ghost. For most people, that would be the end of the saga but this player had such distain for their dearly departed, that they wanted to get one last "f*ck you" in before the end.

And so, they invited their friends and family around for a pool party at the same time as the funeral was happening in their back garden. To make matters worse, The Sims would notice the funeral, leave the pool and attend the burial service of their recently drowned friend wearing their swimming gear.

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The Sims
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