10 Most Sickening Things You Did In The Sims

7. Trapped Everyone In A Room With One Giant Toilet

the sims

The great thing about The Sims is that it's the perfect place to try out a social experiment that any university would deem "too unethical" to try out on anyone - even on students.

This inquisitive-minded Sims enthusiast wanted to know the answer to the question: If I lock a whole village into a room with only one toilet, how long would it take for them to swallow their pride and cave in?

In order to find out, they invited the whole village round to their house for a party. The guests were encouraged to wear their Sunday best as it would be an evening to remember. Upon entering the house, they immediately removed the doors and windows but left behind a fridge and a single, comically large, toilet. As the evening went on, the guests were happy to mingle, eat and drink but, as the evening wore on, the player would move the walls nearer and nearer, forcing the guests into closer proximity.

Though desperate to relieve themselves, very few actually used the giant toilet and opted to either hop with their hands between their legs or find a nice corner to do their business in.

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The Sims
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