10 Most Sickening Things You Did In The Sims

3. Forced Your Sim To Stay In Bed Until They Died

the sims

The movie Seven is a dark and twisted thriller about a psychotic serial killer (John Doe) who mercilessly tortured and killed his victims in correlation to the seven deadly sins. It is a truly stomach churning movie to watch but one Sims player saw that and thought "Huh, let's give that a go."

Try though they might, the player couldn't force feed their Sim spaghetti until its stomach exploded so instead opted for John Doe's interpretation of the sloth sin by keeping the character in bed for as long as possible.

When the Sim woke up, the player would continually encourage them to go back to bed and catch up on some sleep like a very persistent snooze button. Eventually, The Sim would become hungry, irate and desperate for the toilet. In a moment of mercy, the player let their Sim finally leave the bedroom and go downstairs after hours of forced bed rest.

Coming down the stairs, however, the Sim was horrified to see that every single stick of furniture was sold and replaced with, yep you guessed it, beds. Driven by hunger and madness the Sim eventually saw the bright light beckoning and passed away. On the floor.


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The Sims
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