10 Most Sickening Things You Did In The Sims

2. Poisoned The Town At A Dinner Party

the sims

This player had finally had enough of the game, his Sims family and the people in his village and so decided to end it all in one finger licking mass murder.

Whether it was by accident or not, many Sims players discovered that there are ways to kill a Sim without the use of a swimming pool and that is through cooking. In The Sims 2, there are a variety of deadly dishes which, in the wrong hands, could very well be a character's final meal.

After inviting the village for a candle-lit sit down meal, the guests tucked in to a dinner of squid, red snapper, beets, bananas, lama and of course the final ingredient fauxlestra. Sounds exotic doesn't it? Although it is listed under the oil section, fauxlestra is fatal when applied to any type of food as it is in fact a type of motor oil.

All that was left for the player to do was maniacally laugh and sip their wine like a demented cult leader as his guests dropped one by one. Maybe invest in a nice mindful colouring book next time, eh?

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The Sims
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