10 Most Sinister Video Game Cults

7. Testament Of The New Ezekiel - Outlast 2 (2017)

Outlast 2 Sullivan Knoth
Red Barrels Studio

When you hear the word 'cult', you probably think of things like candlelit rituals, hooded preachers and bloody human sacrifices. If there was ever a video game cult to tick every one of these boxes, it would be the Testament of the New Ezekiel.

Operating out of a village named Temple Gate, in which inhumane corporate mind-altering experiments have taken place, the cult has only goal: to prevent the birth of the Anti-Christ. And how do they do this? By sacrificing children, of course.

The grotesque Sullivan Knoth is the figurehead of this religion, delivering his deluded teachings to his equally insane followers and garnering complete devotion from them. His 'visions' are more than likely just a result of the horrific experiments of Temple Gate, and many of his cultists have either defected to a rival group, The Heretics, or exiled due to deformities as The Scalled.

By the end of the game, the cult is brought to an end by means of a mass suicide. Seemingly a win-win situation; they're not here anymore, and presumably they all died for what they believed in, too.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.