10 Most Terrifying Areas In Non-Horror Games

6. Andale - Fallout 3

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Nothing says "real genuine horror" quite like cannibalism, which is exactly what makes the humble town of Andale so dang scary - as an inspection of the village reveals a basement where it's made clear the townspeople having been chowing down on their fellow man.

This is made twice as creepy by the fact that said inhabitants aren't the conventional drooling animalistic monsters, but rather polite, well spoken people, who are surprisingly relaxed when you tell them you've found out their dark secret. So much so that they even offer to let you share in their fleshy spoils.

Because the scariest thing about Andale by a landslide is that you can agree to this, and remain the hero of the wastelands while secretly slurping down human remains on the side.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.