10 Most Terrifying Areas In Non-Horror Games

7. The Ocean House Hotel - Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
Troika Games

Given Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines lets you play as the spooky blood-sucker that goes bump in the night, it#s fair to say you head into it not expecting to feel real human fear. After all, you spend the majority of the start of the game skulking around, scaring and chomping on people, so it very much seems like for once, you get to play as the horror movie baddie.

And then you go to the Ocean House Hotel, and suddenly you're reintroduced to the concept of terror. Because the hotel is incredibly, incredibly haunted, and these ghosts are more than a little riled that you've stepped on their turf.

As such, you have stuff thrown at you, doors exploded at you, and spend a nice portion of the mission being chased by a man with an axe. All in all it's less than stellar hotel service.

Worse yet, you can't tap out if the Ocean House is a too much for you, as it's part of the main questline - meaning that if you want to play the rest o the game, you better pull up your socks and hum a calming tune, because you're in it for the long haul.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.