10 Most Terrifying Enemies In Resident Evil History

1. Crimson Head - Resident Evil Remake

Resident Evil 4

Strange choice, I know. It's the simplicity of the Crimson Head with the fact that you don't know they're coming until it's too late.

They're zombies, but faster and stronger, staying in the shadows with the element of surprise. With all the tight, claustrophobic corridors and the knowledge that you killed those few zombies in that next room, it's a nerve-racking experience, debating in your head whether you should go back or not, unsure if the Crimson Head will debut yet.

And when he does show up? He wastes no time, as soon as that door opening scene finishes, he roars and immediately charges you before your brain even decides to examine the room.

As soon as you hear those heavy footsteps, you'll immediately be turning around and re-entering the room you just left.


Which Resident Evil enemy will forever haunt your nightmares? Let us know in the comments!


Likes games and movies, writing scripts and listening to Stereophonics, Noel Gallagher, Metallica, Manic Street Preachers.