10 Most Underrated GameCube Games

8. Kirby Air Ride

star fox adventures

Kirby games are a reminder that not everything in life has to be deep. You don’t always need a challenge from your video games, you don’t always need your skills to be put to the test. When you’ve got a Kirby game in your hands, you know you’re in for a relaxing experience - and sometimes, that’s just what you need.

A well designed and utterly lovable racer, Kirby Air Ride isn’t likely to bring about the competitive edge and possibility of major fallings-out that come with a Mario Kart session. Kirby isn’t about that. In Kirby’s home of Dreamland, you simply hop on a star and whizz round a course; it’s throwaway, but you’d struggle not to be won over by it. The game was criticised in some circles for its simplicity, but the racing is zippy and fun, and as a multiplayer experience, there’s a whole lot to enjoy.

This is a great choice for someone who doesn’t tend to play a lot of games. It’s so quick and easy to pick up, but the charm of Kirby and his racing pals will keep you invested for a long while.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)