10 Most Underrated GameCube Games

7. Serious Sam: The Next Encounter

star fox adventures
Global Star Software

Nowadays, a shoot ‘em up on a Nintendo console is a rare beast indeed, but the GameCube boasted some solid titles in the genre. Best of all were Timesplitters 2 and 3, two of the finest games the machine had to offer, but Serious Sam: Next Encounter is another great option for those who like their guns with a side order of silliness.

While the PS2 port quickly followed, the overall experience is far better on the GameCube, with the graphics and gameplay far outstripping that of Sony’s version. Similar to Timesplitters, Serious Sam takes you on a joyride through history, with monsters to dispatch in Ancient Rome and Atlantis among other locales. Serious Sam focuses less on the wry humour than sheer shock and awe. More is more in this game, and cutting down waves of varied foes is a brilliantly schlocky throwback experience.

With its pace, wide selection of guns, and points-based incentives for sharp marksmanship, this is a first person shooter purist’s dream game. The Serious Sam franchise continues to pump out games, but for carefree bullet-ridden fun, they’re yet to improve on this one.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)