10 Most Underrated GameCube Games

2. Super Monkey Ball

star fox adventures

This was a winner from its inception: monkeys, big rolling hamster balls, floating courses around which you must steer your simian pal - Super Monkey Ball, and its equally successful sequel, were always destined for greatness, even if they’ve been a little forgotten in the passage of time.

A GameCube launch title and the first Sega game to make its way onto a Nintendo console, Super Monkey Ball was big news at the time, but the franchise doesn’t seem to get much of a shine these days. It’s a shame, because as far as pick up and play experiences go, Super Monkey Ball is among the best, with all the charm and challenge you need to unwind after a long day. Rolling a colourful monkey across a perilous course may sound limited, but once the game gets its hooks in you, there’s much to be mastered.

With the selection of mini games and multiplayer options, Super Monkey Ball is a real party game from a bygone era. As online play becomes more serious, competitive, and money grubbing, perhaps the simple joy of a monkey in a big plastic ball is what we need now more than ever.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)