10 Most Underrated GameCube Games

3. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

star fox adventures

Novelty isn’t always a good thing in gaming. Adding in a crazy new mechanic or bit of external kit is all well and good, but if the game isn’t built on a foundation of good design, it’s going to get found out. Luckily, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat has both an exciting new gimmick and a bedrock of gaming quality.

When the idea of controlling the beloved ape with a set of bongos was first floated, it seemed like a good bit of fun that was probably more trouble than it was worth. Maneuvering DK by tapping and smacking on drums would be cute at first, but ultimately annoying, surely. The platforming, though, is perfectly envisioned for the format, with the name of the game being bonus points collected by stringing together combos of movement. The game encourages you to move with grace, to consider the rhythm of what you’re doing, making mastery of the controls all the more satisfying.

It’s not a game to be played late at night and physically bashing the drums can get a little hard on the wrists, but it’s impressive how Nintendo managed to transcend what could have been a jokey gimmick and make a set of bongos integral to the game.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)