10 Most Underrated Mega Drive & Genesis Games Ever

3. Landstalker - Sega (1992)

Comix zone game

Isometric action roleplaying games were a rare find on any console of the era and the choices even got slimmer on Sega's hardware. Thankfully Landstalker arrived in 1992 in Japan (1993 everywhere else) to remedy the situation.

Players took on the role of Nigel, an elvish sword swinger equal parts Link from Zelda and Indiana Jones. Real-time combat like Zelda coupled with a bit of platforming and just the right amount of grinding to level up stats all equated to man enjoyable fantasy romp.

Known for its puzzles frustratingly difficult isometric platforming and attention-grabbing box art, Landstalker came and went without much fanfare but remains a challenging play-through even now.

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Jason Russell has been working in video game journalism since the early 1990s before the internet existed, the term "fanzine" had meaning and sailors still debated as to whether or not the earth was flat. The first time. More recently he has been the guy responsible for the Retrospective column for Old School Gamer Magazine, pens up a Game Skinny column on a plethora of video game topics. He's somehow managed to author nine novels, writes and runs the blog CG Movie Review, is co-founder of the science fiction publishing house Starry Eyed Press, and sometimes, when the planets align and the caffeine has fully left his system, it's rumored he sleeps.