10 Most Underrated Nintendo 64 Boss Battles
Not a Ganondorf in sight!

Released in 1996, the Nintendo 64 was crowned Machine Of The Year by Time magazine for its innovation in the field of home entertainment.
Sure, the trident-style controller was confusing and who among us hasn't still got a scar on the centre of their palm from constantly rotating the joystick after playing countless Mario Party games of Tug Of War? But, for all of its flaws, it is still home to some of the greatest games ever created.
With groundbreaking Silicon Graphics tech under the hood, the Nintendo 64 gave gamers all over the world the chance to be fully immersed in the adventures of their favourite heroes and, most importantly, take on the most notorious villains in video game history like never before.
Although the likes of Bowser and Ganondorf take all the glory when it comes to famous Nintendo 64 bosses, this list will pay homage to those underrated villains that were memorable in their own way and, due to the overwhelming nature of the game, may have gotten forgotten somewhere along the way.
From terrifying underwater creatures that made you run down the hall and knock on your older sibling's door for help, to obese alien fry chefs who annoyingly wouldn't stop making fast food puns, this list will be a trip down memory lane for any avid Nintendo 64 fan.
10. Haybot - Conker's Bad Fur Day

In 2001, Rare released one of the funniest Nintendo 64 games in Conker's Bad Fur Day. The game focuses around Conker, the heavy drinking, foul-mouthed squirrel desperately trying to return home to his girlfriend.
The boss battles in Conker's bad fur day are each funnier than the last with names such as The Big Big Guy, Buga The Knut and, of course, the operatic Great Mighty Poo.
Despite those memorable boss battles, the most underrated has to be Haybot: an Austrian android disguised as a haystack in Chapter 3 - Barn Boys.
This chapter is utter madness as you first have to battle the likes of a noxious mouse, demented haystacks and a pitchfork named Frank who, after being defeated decides to hang himself only to realise he doesn't have a neck and just dangles from the ceiling.
Later on, Frank becomes an ally in the battle against Haybot as Conker uses the suicidal pitchfork like a stabby pogo stick.
After a couple of good stabs, Haybot falls through the floor revealing his true android exoskeleton, his 9mm rockets named Suzie and his his weakness: a massive red button which says "Do Not Push".