10 Most Underrated Nintendo 64 Boss Battles

2. Master Hand - Super Smash Brothers

Gohma Ocarina Of Time

When talking about great Nintendo 64 boss battles, Master Hand is someone (something?) that seems to slip between everyone's fingers.

Released in 1999, Super Smash Bros. was the answer to the questions asked by every Nintendo 64 gamer across the world - which Nintendo character was the strongest? What would happen if you fired Samus' arm cannon at a Donkey Kong punch? And what noise does Pikachu make when he is smashed across Hyrule Castle with a baseball bat?

In the story mode, players had the opportunity to go up against the heroes and villains of the Nintendo world, and improve their skills with target practise mini games and agility tests.

At the final boss battle, gamers were scratching their heads wondering who they would have to face. Bowser? Ganondorf? Would Cloud N. Candy rear its ugly head again?

Instead it was the introduction to surprise boss and maniacal villain - Master Hand, an overpowered hand which would flick, smoosh and fire finger guns in order to try to take you down.

My theory is that it's the hand from N64's hand and ball game, Glover.

That ball-fondling fiend.


I see my role at WhatCulture the same way my wife sees my role as a lover: I contribute in a very small way, my presence is barely noticeable and I’m not entirely sure if the laughter is at me or with me.