10 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2017

7. Call Of Duty: WW2

Call of duty wwii campaign

It seems as though every November critics announce that "Call of Duty is back, baby", but while they haven't always been correct, they were dead on the money about 2017's WW2 being a huge set up in quality for the franchise.

Rediscovering its flow by returning to boots-on-the-ground gunplay, the title's multiplayer was once again outstanding, with exciting improvements like the Headquarters social hub and the new-and-improved Zombies being particularly enjoyable highlights.

Sadly, the campaign suffers a touch from feeling like more of a rollercoaster ride than an actual all-out war, but even then, the explosive set-pieces and characters do more than enough to carry it through.

It hits all of the WW2 cliches - the farmboy with a girl back home, the sergeant wound too tight and the all-American focus - but it presents these conventions so confidently, while still adding in a few original ideas, to make the story intensely engaging.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3