10 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2017

5. Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is easily one of the most controversial games of the decade so far. Being the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to the industry's insidious adoption of loot boxes and microtransactions, the free-to-play business practices EA crowbarred into their highly-anticipated shooter were unforgivable and rightly criticised, but that doesn't mean the game itself isn't any good.

Because at the heart of it, Battlefront 2 is a huge improvement over the original. The added campaign doesn't quite live up to the hype it earned for itself in the run up to release, but it's still a rollicking good time for Star Wars fans, weaving an entirely original story while catching up with fan-favourite characters.

However it's the multiplayer that truly excels, moving away from the shallow, pick-up-and-play approach of the original to deliver properly deep and rewarding combat mechanics.

It's still difficult to separate the systems present in the game from their greedy intent, and both the Star Cards and unlocks drag the sense of progression down quite considerably, but the core of the game still offers the pure Star Wars thrills fans craved.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3