10 Most Underwhelming Final Fights In Video Games

3. Dark Beast Ganon - The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

spider man 2018 doc ock

Depending on how you define a video game "boss," The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild either has a lot of them... or hardly any.

There are lots of strong, boss-like enemies to be sought out. But going by the strictest definition of a unique, powerful enemy encountered at the end of a specific segment of the game, you mostly fight various elemental aspects of series antagonist, Ganon.

While these bosses aren't spectacular, they're at least engaging with multiple aspects to consider. For example, you wouldn't want to fight Thunderblight Ganon with a bunch of metal equipment, as you'll keep getting shocked and stun-locked.

Unfortunately, Ganon's final form, Dark Beast, falls into that familiar category of "shoot the glowing weak spot." Even more disappointing, the glowing weak spots in this case are MASSIVE. Botching this fight would require more effort than winning it.

What's more disappointing is that Dark Beast Ganon is awesome looking and huge. Here we have a Shadow-Of-The-Colossus sized boss in a game with climbing, jumping and gliding mechanics. But all we do is shoot arrows at a few giant circles on his body and that's that - Hyrule is saved.



At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.